Wellbeing Insights

#134 – You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup

You may well have heard this adage before, but we suggest it is one thing to hear it, another thing to understand it, and yet another thing to truly embrace the message that lies within. Of course, it is hard to dispute the fact that an empty cup cannot pour. Come to think of it,… Read More
Manifesto Musings

#133 – What’s Your Personal Manifesto?

Could I start by asking you three questions: What’s your middle name? What’s your favourite colour? What’s your personal manifesto? Can I guess that you found the first question very straight forward to answer. Even if you have no middle name, or if you have three middle names – your answer was clear and immediate.… Read More
Book Recommendations

#132 – The Way We Are by Hugh Mackay

It is with great pleasure that I have the opportunity to recommend Hugh Mackay’s latest book, The Way We Are, which I alluded to when I wrote an earlier blog about his book, The Inner Self. The subtitle of this book is Lessons from a lifetime of listening, and I for one are heartily grateful… Read More
Acts of Kindness

In Nature, We Are Soothed

I borrowed this line from a book manuscript that a dear friend recently invited me to read. It resonated deeply with my experience earlier in the day when I enjoyed a revitalising and soothing walk along the main beach at Anglesea. Of course, having the right clothing helped, which for me, in the middle of… Read More
Wellbeing Insights

Revisiting Hope

In a very early blog, Blog 22, I have written about the concept of hope. Today I revisit it, further into living my personal manifesto life, to see what I might have to write now, to add to or consolidate to what I wrote then. Then, I wrote that hope might be referred to as… Read More
Book Recommendations

The Inner Self by Hugh Mackay

In the lead up before attending a Readings in Conversation Event at which Hugh Mackay introduced his new book, The Way We Are, (I now have my signed copy for Justin and me and I can’t wait to read it!) I returned to an earlier book of his, The Inner Self, 2020. There is a… Read More
Acts of Kindness

The Ability to Connect Deeply

We have been working on how to promote our book and during this process, Justin and I wrote a testimonial about each other, to bring to you further insights into who we are. I am sure it will be no surprise to you to know that Justin’s words about me brought me to grateful tears.… Read More
Wellbeing Insights

Kindness Cascade

How many people will you engage with today or tomorrow? 5, 10, 100, more? How many of them are close friends or family members, and how many of them are merely acquaintances? One study conducted at the University of British Columbia in Canada, found that adults over 25 years of age directly interacted with an average of… Read More
Manifesto Musings

Our Seven Steps

We make the claim in our upcoming book, My Manifesto: a compassionate guide to reveal your best life, that the seven steps will minimise internal conflict; help you navigate life; build hope; raise your awareness of what is important to you; provide greater clarity in your life; uncover rich personal insights and assist you to… Read More