Upcoming & Past Events

Virtual Event

Upcoming Event: Meet an Author with David Bott

Come along and join us at our next event!  David Bott will be presenting on the topic of Resilience – the pinnacle wellbeing asset.  David will explore resilience as a growth-oriented, hope-based relationship with change. During this talk, David will discuss learning from past experiences, adapting to change in the present moment, and embracing future opportunities.

David will share proven strategies for nurturing resilience and also introduce us to the R.E.A.L. loop – Resilience: Embrace, Adapt, and Learn! Here at my manifesto we recognise resilience as an essential life skill and a core component of living an authentic life. We hope you can join us.

David Bott’s brief bio: David is the Co-Founder of The Wellbeing Distillery, based in Melbourne, Australia. David sits on the UAE Government’s Dubai Future Council for Education, is a Director on the PESA (Positive Education Schools Association) board, and has published in academic journals and industry periodicals. David is the co-author of the bestselling book, 10 Things Schools Get Wrong: And How We Can Get Them Right, published in 2020. David is an expert in wellbeing education and has consulted to schools around the world in designing and implementing system-level approaches to wellbeing and cultural change.

Virtual Event

Past Event: Meet an Author with Matthew Johnstone

Matthew Johnstone is a passionate mental health and wellbeing advocate. He is a best-selling author, illustrator, photographer, and for many years was the creative director at the Black Dog Institute. Matthew is also a long-term friend and we have so much admiration for the inspiring messages and images he brings to life and shares with the world. For those of you who would like to delve further into Matthew’s work and any of his nine books, please visit www.matthewjohnstone.com.au.

We were very grateful for Matt’s time and talk with our my manifesto mates. It was another engaging event and I know we were all inspired and comforted by so many of the images.  Matt’s ability to translate powerful messages into thought-provoking images is very special.

Very kindly Matt has provided a PDF of the key messages from his Tough & Up talk, and you can download this here. You may wish to print out this one page poster with a collection of Matt’s images and pop them on the fridge or somewhere in your home or office.

Virtual Event

Past Event: Meet an Author with Susan Biggar

Susan Biggar, author of The Upside of Down, presented to our my manifesto mates.

From our own impressions of the occasion and the feedback we have had from you, it was a very enjoyable evening. Susan was open-hearted, authentic, and generous. We all felt her genuineness and her warmth. Her story is both a celebration and an acknowledgment that so many things in life are out of our control, but the attitude she chooses to take is encapsulated in her question, ‘How do I reframe this positively so that it works for me?’

Her story is no feel-good Pollyanna one; she shared with us that she was currently experiencing a set-back personally but all of those who have read her book, The Upside of Down, (and please do pick it up and treat yourself) will not be surprised that she came to speak to us anyway. Not only did she come, but she let us see her emotions; they were there but held in check by the strength of her commitment to see this through in much the same way as she sees life through: ‘If not me, then who?’

Thank you once again Susan for joining the my manifesto community and choosing to speak with our banner at your back.

Virtual Event

Recordings from our Launch Gathering

Thank you to our friends, family, colleagues and interested community members, for joining us for our very special my manifesto launch! We are so appreciative of your support and your best wishes.

In particular, warm thanks to our guest speaker, Chris Mackey, for his historic and scientific journey into leading figures who have deeply explored the concept of living an authentic life. Below you will find several audio recordings highlighting different parts of our launch.

Audio: Justin – “I believe…” 5:41

Audio: Sue – “What do you make of this…” 5:22

Audio: my manifesto trial testimonials 3:11

Audio: Chris Mackey – “An Authentic Life” 10:09