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Step 1: Committing

The initial step requires a commitment to, and an investment in, the process of working closely with a professional coach to co-create your personal manifesto. After purchasing your preferred my manifesto experience, you will receive an email invitation to schedule your Coaching session through our Calendly App, at a time convenient to you.

On booking your Coaching session, you will receive a confirmation email containing a secure Zoom link. You will also be invited to complete important pre-information to provide key insights to your coach.


Step 2: Coaching

Come just as you are and participate whole-heartedly in your scheduled professional coaching session. Your my manifesto coach will guide you through a series of  overarching questions as they safely and expertly help uncover your inner wisdom. We believe in the importance of sincere and engaging dialogues that leave you feeling respected, included, and heard.  

It is likely you will feel both energised and exhausted at the end of your session. If possible, provide yourself with a small buffer either side of your coaching session so that you can be fully present and gain the maximum benefit from the experience. The work you do in this session will become the foundation for your personal manifesto.  

  • Essential experience: 45 minute session
  • Essential Plus experience: 60 minute session
  • Premium experience: 75 minute session

Step 3: Contemplating

Within 48 hours of your coaching session you receive, via email, a comprehensive summary and synthesis of your coaching conversation.  These curated notes contain your key insights and provide you with an opportunity to review what you have shared. 

As you consider and contemplate your personal reflected wisdom notes, you are encouraged to make any relevant changes or additions, as you continue to grow in clarity.  There may be aspects you wish you had said differently, there may be new ideas that you would like to add.  This key step is your opportunity to provide feedback to your coach.  In particular, we invite you to highlight key words or phrases that are particularly resonate with you.


Step 4: Co-creating

On receiving your feedback, your coach expertly crafts your draft personal manifesto statements.  Using your words from the coaching conversation and your feedback from the coaching notes, your coach is able to compose what is deeply important to you, bringing you the gifts of clarity, focus and inspiration.

Your Personal Declaration is a concise statement illuminating who you are and as such, is an expression of your authentic best-self.

Your Personal Wisdom is a collection of sentences, paragraphs or bullet points that synthesise and amplify your distilled wisdom.

Your Creative Expression is a unique, personal and artistic representation of your manifesto, complementing your Personal Declaration and Personal Wisdom statements. 

  • Essential Experience: Personal Declaration
  • Essential Plus Experience: Personal Declaration, Personal Wisdom
  • Premium Experience: Personal Declaration, Personal Wisdom, Creative Expression

Step 5: Confirming

On receiving your draft personal manifesto statement(s) you have the opportunity to ‘live with them’ for a few days.  During this time, you can experience how the words feel to you.  Given the co-creation process, many clients accept the prepared statements without change, but please know you are most welcome to make any changes that feel right to you. 

When you are ready, you confirm with your coach the precise wording for your personal manifesto. On receiving confirmation, your words are then sent to our design studio for production.


Step 6: Collecting

You’ve made it!  You’ve worked hard alongside your coach to uncover and express your wisdom. Now is the time to celebrate this treasured experience and to receive your unique and professionally designed personal manifesto statements.  You receive your files electronically in both JPG and PDF formats.  These files are exclusively for your use, and you may choose to print or display these as you feel so inclined. 

  • You may be interested in reading our blog – ‘To Display or Not to Display’.
  • You can also find inspiration and display examples on our website. 
  • We love receiving photos of how you have chosen to display your personal manifesto.  

If you have purchased the Premium Experience, you will also participate in a follow-up coaching session approximately one month after receiving your completed personal manifesto statements. This valuable check-in will give you an insight into our Living Your Manifesto experience.

Book an experience with our professionally certified coach.

Our approach uncovers your inner wisdom, encourages personal progress, and excites inspiration. Through the power of connection, we aim to serve each person individually and provide a treasured experience.