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Wellbeing Insights

#166 – A Tribute to Hope

To maintain confidence in my speaking skills post-retirement, I have joined the Toastmasters’ Club. A recent speech that I gave was to fulfill the task of Delivering a Social Speech. I chose to write a speech in praise of – not a person or an organisation – but to the abstract concept of ‘hope.’ I… Read More
Wellbeing Insights

#162 – In Praise of Melancholy

We live in a world that often demands positivity. Social media, self-help books, and well-meaning advice urge us to think happy thoughts, count our blessings, and push through discomfort with a smile. But what if, instead of resisting melancholy, we acknowledged its quiet wisdom? What if we allowed it to sit with us, not as… Read More
Wellbeing Insights

#158 – A Wellbeing Insight When I Am Not Well

I guess the day had to arrive when I was due to write a Wellbeing Insight blog, and I am not well! The obvious solution, for one whose personal manifesto contains the sentence: I replenish myself and navigate all that life presents with love, including self-love, is perhaps not to write this one, to allow… Read More
Wellbeing Insights

#154 – Prioritising My Own Medicine

Recently, our family embarked on the significant challenge of moving house. As a family of six who have lived in the same home for the past 15 years, the transition to downsizing has been both purposeful and demanding. While the process has brought moments of nostalgia as we sorted through treasured keepsakes, it has also… Read More
Wellbeing Insights

#150 – Enjoying the Journey

Over the past three years, Sue, my co-author and friend, and I have been on a deeply meaningful journey. I deliberately use the word meaningful because these years have been significant in many ways: the time and effort we’ve invested in our project, our shared belief in the power of having a personal manifesto, and… Read More
Wellbeing Insights

#146 – Emotional Agility

Susan David, author of Emotional Agility, suggests that curiosity, along with compassion and courage is useful – vital – for emotional agility. ‘Emotional Agility’ she defines as “showing up: facing your thoughts and emotions and behaviours willingly with curiosity and kindness.” David elaborates: “When difficult or uncomfortable feelings arise, greet them with curiosity: what are… Read More
Wellbeing Insights

#142 – How Steep is the Hill?

If you’re like me, with everything happening in life and the world right now, you wouldn’t mind if the ‘hill’ were a little less steep! I’m not sure what your personal ‘hill’ looks like at the moment, but I suspect it might involve family, friends, work pressures, world issues, work-life balance, health, or perhaps all… Read More
Wellbeing Insights

#138 – A Recipe for Change

“The connections between people’s strengths represented through real stories of lived experience and their aspirations for something better is the key to every successful action for change.” These words from Wayne McCashen, The Strengths Approach, resonate powerfully with us at my manifesto. In all facets of our work, including our recently published book, My Manifesto:… Read More
Wellbeing Insights

#134 – You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup

You may well have heard this adage before, but we suggest it is one thing to hear it, another thing to understand it, and yet another thing to truly embrace the message that lies within. Of course, it is hard to dispute the fact that an empty cup cannot pour. Come to think of it,… Read More