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Book Recommendations

#140 – The Happiest Man on Earth by Eddie Jaku

I was grateful to read this uplifting and inspiring memoir of Eddie Jaku before his passing in late 2021. The book was published in 2020 as Eddie turned 100, and I found it to be a powerful, heartbreaking, and ultimately hopeful memoir about how happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. Edward… Read More
Acts of Kindness

#139 – Intentional Not Random  

When referring to Acts of Kindness, many people are familiar with the additional term often placed at the start of the phrase: Random. I interpret the term ‘random’ to refer to an unplanned opportunity, possibly benefitting a random stranger and occurring at a random time in your day. I hope that we are all familiar… Read More
Wellbeing Insights

#138 – A Recipe for Change

“The connections between people’s strengths represented through real stories of lived experience and their aspirations for something better is the key to every successful action for change.” These words from Wayne McCashen, The Strengths Approach, resonate powerfully with us at my manifesto. In all facets of our work, including our recently published book, My Manifesto:… Read More
Manifesto Musings

#137 – Synergy

In this fabulous time of our book launches, I want to take a moment to reflect on the word ‘synergy’. I have spoken and written of the synergy that Justin and I experienced when I first began coaching him at Geelong Grammar School. The energy generated in a coaching session, which was the result of… Read More
Book Recommendations

#136 – Big Love by Scott Stabile

As I sit down on the eve of the Geelong Book Launch of our book, My Manifesto, my heart is full of warmth, gratitude, and love. (There are also plenty of nerves and excitement mixed in there as well!). In focussing on the big emotion of love, it reminded me of a powerful book in… Read More
Acts of Kindness

#135 – Greater Social Harmony In The Street Where You Live

Hugh Mackay, in his recent book, The Way We Are, wrote of the need to rebuild community in our country of Australia, to address the “erosion of the foundations of … our connectedness” as we live increasingly more solitary lives. My story today is a snapshot of my answer to his call. My grandson –… Read More
Wellbeing Insights

#134 – You Can’t Pour From An Empty Cup

You may well have heard this adage before, but we suggest it is one thing to hear it, another thing to understand it, and yet another thing to truly embrace the message that lies within. Of course, it is hard to dispute the fact that an empty cup cannot pour. Come to think of it,… Read More
Manifesto Musings

#133 – What’s Your Personal Manifesto?

Could I start by asking you three questions: What’s your middle name? What’s your favourite colour? What’s your personal manifesto? Can I guess that you found the first question very straight forward to answer. Even if you have no middle name, or if you have three middle names – your answer was clear and immediate.… Read More
Book Recommendations

#132 – The Way We Are by Hugh Mackay

It is with great pleasure that I have the opportunity to recommend Hugh Mackay’s latest book, The Way We Are, which I alluded to when I wrote an earlier blog about his book, The Inner Self. The subtitle of this book is Lessons from a lifetime of listening, and I for one are heartily grateful… Read More