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“Were all the wonderings, hand-wringings and worryings about meaning in life, or who we might become, or what matters most to any one of us put into a magic box, gently shaken, and stirred into a useful, inspiring concoction, we would have this book. My Manifesto is a calming, pragmatic guide toward clarity about who we are and what we value, that manages to be delightfully humorous and energizing at the same time.  Authors Robinson and Wong take us through a gradual process, in accessible, yet significant steps, that enable any one of us to create a statement of intent and import…the kind of statement we have all longed for at one time or another. The kind of statement that centers us in the best of ourselves and what we are devoted to bringing alive. Their work, rooted in best practices in psychology, coaching, philosophy and their own lived experience, enables the reader to build an understanding of the self that is unique, powerful, and positive.  And I imagine, as I look forward to completing this work just exactly as they recommend, that I will feel what others have felt under their tutelage: grounded and elevated, valued and certain, whole and true.”

Maria Sirois, author of A Short Course in Happiness After Loss (and Other Dark, Difficult Times)

Because life is better with your personal manifesto as your guide. 


Create your personal manifesto, and live a life filled with authentic purpose and complete clarity. You owe it to you.

To know, to care, and to believe in yourself are three of the greatest gifts you can receive. Arriving at your personal manifesto – a private declaration of your wisdom and intentions – you will provide yourself with these gifts.

This book will guide you to profound personal insights; empowered decision-making abilities; minimised internal conflicts; enhanced navigation through life’s challenges; and a renewed sense of hope. As you reveal your personal manifesto, you will see your life with new eyes.


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“Gentle, inspiring and uplifting … the world would be a much better place if we all went on this journey.”

“My Manifesto provides interesting and challenging ways to be part of a community where the synergy of many individuals can coalesce into a force for good.”

“Justin and Sue’s authenticity and positive collaboration shine throughout. I strongly recommend this book to those interested in further self-knowledge or a clearer life direction.”

“The unique DIY approach taken in this book will prompt you to ask the big questions and then show you the small, doable steps, to create change. When you find your own inner gifts, you have more to give others. In this way My Manifesto is more than a simple book, it’s an invitation to start a positive ripple effect.”

“Sometimes in life we know what we want but just lack the compass to get there. Simple, beautiful, and deeply meaningful; My Manifesto is a masterclass in self-discovery and personal empowerment.”

“We live our lives as if we’re standing in front of a 100-foot painting of ourselves and yet we’re only one foot away. What do we see? Brush strokes? Flaws? Not much. My Manifesto gives you the chance to take a huge step back and see the whole picture. It gives you the all-important gift of perspective and self-knowledge.”


“My Manifesto combines the most up-to-date science and ancient wisdom to provide a powerful and playful path to fulfillment and excellence. My Manifesto provides gentle, loving strategies for achieving and sustaining a beautiful life.”

“Whether you’re an individual navigating life’s complexities or a business striving for profound impact, My Manifesto is a must-read. It holds keys that help you unlock your extraordinary potential, power, and purpose.”


“My Manifesto is a brilliant guide to supporting us in living our best lives. I enjoyed the process of working through each of the steps to unlock some really powerful takeaways. Highly recommend the read.”