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Acts of Kindness

#167 – Sometimes the Well is Dry

March 2025
— Reading Time: 1 minute

What do you do when the well is dry? You know that time when you really need to do something by a certain time, but you meet resistance – a lot of it – when you go to do it? What is the fall-back situation for you?

Depending on the circumstances, it may be possible to not do the task. If it involves others, it may require an apology. Are you up for that? Does your value system allow you to take that route, or do you set in to judge, criticise – condemn – yourself, for being undisciplined, faint-hearted, lacking follow through?

What is behind the ‘dryness’? Are you unwell? If so, are you doing your best to be kind to yourself? Are you ministering yourself as you would to a loved one who is in this situation? Why not? Are you undeserving in a way that they are not?

Is it that you need to step back and reconnect with the essential self, the one you have laid down in your personal manifesto? Are you living that life:

I replenish myself…

I am a human being…I release myself from trying to be more.

I wish to create a community of care… 

You may recognise the phrases from my personal manifesto. Time to dig deeply and translate them into action.

A slim blog today, my friends…

I am sorry that the well is dry.

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