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Acts of Kindness

#159 – We Never Quite Know

January 2025
— Reading Time: 2 minutes

We at times speak about random acts of kindness, and indeed this category of our blogs is devoted to the many different ways we perceive and experience kindness in our lives.

This week I was the recipient of an act of kindness, in the form which could be called a gratitude letter. In wellbeing circles, I have often seen writing a gratitude letter recommended. Indeed, Justin recommended writing such a letter in our book My Manifesto: a compassionate guide to reveal your best life, page 188, Chapter 12!

The expression of gratitude which I received came in the very modern form of a message via Instagram. This friend had seen an Instagram post which they said reminded them of me. That post was:

Never forget that the biggest thing you can do on most days is often a small act of kindness, decency, or love. Be memorable to someone today.

My friend continued to elaborate upon the time when our lives had intersected, and they had experienced my kindness.

Arriving unannounced as it did, this recognition deeply moved me. I would like to think that in the time referred to when I had been memorably kind, I was just being me. But how rewarding it is to be remembered in this way, many years later. How wonderful that the friend not only thought of me at that time, but wanted to share the memory – in gratitude – with me?

There is no doubt that I am inspired by this personal experience to notice and comment upon the acts of ‘kindness, decency or love’ that occur in my life. I am further inspired to intentionally choose to be more kind, decent and loving, every day in my life, because as is apparent, we never quite know who we touch. And that is the contagion of kindness in action.

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