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Book Recommendations

#136 – Big Love by Scott Stabile

August 2024
— Reading Time: 3 minutes

As I sit down on the eve of the Geelong Book Launch of our book, My Manifesto, my heart is full of warmth, gratitude, and love. (There are also plenty of nerves and excitement mixed in there as well!). In focussing on the big emotion of love, it reminded me of a powerful book in my bookcase that I read several years ago, right around the time of us starting our new business venture at my manifesto.  And now, as I write Blog #136 it feels very appropriate to highly recommend this challenging and eye-opening book simply titled, Big Love!

Scott Stabile has lived through many personal challenges, including his parents being murdered when he was 14, and his brother dying of a heroin overdose when he was 23. In Big Love – The power of living with a wide-open heart, Scott shares a collection of powerful essays that cover topics such as authenticity, trust, fear, compassion, happiness, and love and self-love.

Stabile’s personal insights and raw honesty touched me, and challenged me to live with a full, open heart, regardless of my experiences, regardless of my challenges.  I am reminded of Brene Brown’s quote on love, which says ‘love is not something we give or get; it is something that we nurture and grow.’  So many of the 18 essays (chapters) within Big Love encouraged me to nurture and grow love both within me and beyond me.

As I look back through my copy of Stabile’s book – there are sentences and phrases highlighted on almost every other page, and I am confident that every reader will find messages that they can relate to within Scott’s stories and hard-won insights. On Page 189, one sentence I have highlighted, which feels so appropriate for me, and for us all, is: “What is within my power is my kindness, my compassion, and my love. I work on those constantly, and they reward me every day.” I thank Scott for his book, and for his vulnerability.

I must admit, given the timing of this blog, our monthly Book Recommendation, that I was tempted to recommend our book – freshly launched into the world – but I think it far more appropriate to leave it up to others to comment, reflect, and hopefully spread the word on our book! However, just in case you didn’t know, it is now available for sale, and with full hearts of love, we hope that it can touch the lives of many, just like Scott Stabile’s book touched my life back in 2021.

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