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Acts of Kindness

#135 – Greater Social Harmony In The Street Where You Live

July 2024
— Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hugh Mackay, in his recent book, The Way We Are, wrote of the need to rebuild community in our country of Australia, to address the “erosion of the foundations of … our connectedness” as we live increasingly more solitary lives. My story today is a snapshot of my answer to his call.

My grandson – at the tender age of three months—and his mum, stayed with Grandma Sue for a whole week very recently. In my daily walk, I introduced him to some of the regular walkers I encounter in my neighbourhood.

First port of call was a doorstep stop with a neighbour whom I regularly catch up with for a coffee, and who has been largely confined to her home lately, due to health concerns. A sighting of the precious infant, through the glass of the window, enlivened and refreshed this senior. The beam on her face was transforming.

Then it was onto my coffee shop, Betty’s Laneway (the site of a book talk from Justin and I on 12th August at 10:00 am ). It was still too early for the café to be open, but my tap on the glass as Bev and Bonnie were preparing to open, led to the door opening and delight all around. Baby grandson was much admired and seemed to know it!

Around the corner and the school crossing ahead where our ‘lollypop’ man was in attendance. Between his duties ensuring children were greeted by name, asked after and wished well for their day ahead, he took the time to introduce himself to my grandson. Who knows, his feet may tread that crossing in years to come when on future visits.

I passed the path that I receive my Sun blessing from. The shaft of sunlight that glances my shoulder on my walks at this point, whenever it is in evidence, I view as my ‘go well for the day’ blessing. Sure enough, it lit both grandson and I up. We were beneficiaries of Nature’s gift.

And now, all that I need is an ex officio blessing from Hugh Mackay. I am building social harmony on the street where I live; will you all, our my manifesto community, spread the contagion?

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