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Acts of Kindness

One Spare Moment

March 2024
— Reading Time: 2 minutes

Quite possibly, you may have read this title and thought, ‘if only’, or ‘what would I give for a spare moment?’ Before getting to our Acts of Kindness theme for this blog could I pose a scenario to you?

Scenario: By some unknown, but pleasing reason, you have just picked up 1 spare day.

If this was still a work day for you – what would you do at work, what would you prioritise?

If this was a day you didn’t need to work – what would you do, what would you prioritise?

Whilst this scenario may be quite unlikely for you at this moment, your responses may still provide you with rich insights, and may guide your intentional behaviours in this day, today.

What if the scenario was that you have just picked up 1 spare hour? What now arises for you?

At my manifesto we have coined a phrase that says, “It is common to live a full life. It is less common to live life to the full. Your manifesto can be the difference!”  From our personal experiences, and from the feedback from our clients, it is common to feel an expanse of time once you have the clarity of your guiding personal manifesto. As you consider your days, your hours, your habits – you can feel assured that your actions are aligned with the life you are trying to live.

Now, in returning to our theme – if you were to create for yourself a spare moment today (however short or long that moment may be), what act of kindness could you carry out, and to whom?

A friend recently shared this act of kindness with me – “My husband is a late in life poet and shares kind poems with neighbours. He hangs the poems on low branches in our surrounding streets and it touches many people.”

Yesterday I found a spare moment to send a lesser-known Billy Joel song, with such powerful lyrics, to a friend going through a challenging time. It felt important to me, and I hope it helped my dear friend’s day.

Thank you for participating in our journey at my manifesto, and please feel our love to you, our fellow humans and friends, and may you find a spare moment today.

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