Acts of Kindness

Kindness is the antidote

October 2023
— Reading Time: 2 minutes

Before I attended an event on a particular day, which required me to travel a distance, my husband and I ‘scoped’ out the logistics. I recognise that I am best prepared for anything that is unfamiliar, to enable myself to see the journey first, by doing it. This future pacing reduces the fears that come up when I cannot see myself doing the something that is unfamiliar. In this case, the scoping and seeing meant actually doing, but at other times, especially if I am repeating an action which I may have done previously but which still causes me apprehension, I can visualise myself doing it and that also has good effect.  A few days prior to the event day, we drove together to the pickup point. We mentally noted every turn and landmark involved so that when I repeated the journey on my own, I would be able to retrace my steps, to see it again.

At the pickup point, Justin, my colleague, and friend, met me as planned and together we completed the next stage of the journey. He took charge of the driving, allowing me to relax, and together we located the venue and a nearby carpark. I was able to sit calmly as we chatted in our usual way in an informal business meeting. It was also a personal re-connection as we have been working virtually over the past few months.

Before the event commenced, we met my son and his fiancée for a café light lunch. During this lunch, Justin generously allowed his brain to be picked as my son, a counsellor, and aspiring new business adventurer, shared the development of his proposed branding concept. He was keen to hear Justin’s considered feedback, which was warmly given.

The event itself, The Disrupting Effect, with Andrew Jobling and Adam Wallace, drew a group of writers and thinkers who had gathered to listen to Andrew and Adam speak of the way we could disrupt many aspects of our lives, our thinking, our actions, and notions of success among them, especially those that may be holding us back. The good will in the room, as we listened and contemplated how we could apply this wisdom to our lives to disturb our norm, retain our power and create new self-supporting habits, was palpable.

There are many reasons for us to feel the world is full of intolerance, violence, and conflict, and on a path to the exhaustion of our precious finite resources. This snapshot from my day reminds us that it also contains goodness, generosity, shared wisdom, and loving kindness. What you value, what you give out, is what you receive. Kindness is the antidote.

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