Acts of Kindness


September 2023
— Reading Time: 2 minutes

At my manifesto, Sue and I enjoy the routine and discipline of writing our weekly blogs. It is not a chore, it is a pleasure to share something we find personally meaningful and that we hope you – our mates – will find helpful and hopeful. I particularly look forward to when it is my turn to write our scheduled Acts of Kindness blog. I never quite know what I will write about, I simply dial up my level of awareness and look for something to appear, which it always does!

I chose Saturday as the day to particularly pay attention, and by days end I was at ten!  I got to a tally of ten acts of kindness that I had received throughout my day, and I suspect, I also took at least another ten for granted. I also think that if I wasn’t preparing to write a blog that maybe I would have noticed, or paid attention to, maybe two of these ten ‘events’. It is my pleasure to share my list below, certainly not to show-off how blessed I am, but more out of interest for you. As you read the list below, I wonder if you think I am stretching it to call some of these moments acts of kindness, or whether you think ‘fair enough’, ‘good call’ or ‘well spotted’.  I wonder if you were to do the same on some upcoming random Saturday, whether you too would comfortably get to ten!

My Saturday… What I observed to be acts of kindness I received throughout my day…

  1. My wife, Jeanette, leaned over and gave me a good morning kiss.
  2. Siri, on my phone, informed me that I had turned the wrong way, but kindly re-routed me.
  3. A fellow driver kindly waited and waved me into a heavy stream of traffic.
  4. A stranger helped us with directions and advice on returning our hire car.
  5. Sue sent me a brief message wishing me well for my upcoming travel.
  6. I was offered (and I accepted) the opportunity to participate in a brief stretching and relaxation class.
  7. Our daughter kindly picked us up from the airport.
  8. My Mum and Dad rang to check in on us and welcomed us ‘back home’.
  9. Our two sons had spent considerable time cleaning the house for us.
  10. Tony, our friendly Fish and Chipper, tossed in an extra potato cake.

You will notice that my focus on this blog was me receiving acts of kindness, maybe on a future blog I will try and see if I experience ten – or more – opportunities for me to give acts of kindness!  I leave you with the wise adage that ‘when you appreciate the good, the good appreciates’.

Go well!

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