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Manifesto Musings

Guiding You At The Crossroads

January 2023
— Reading Time: 3 minutes

My personal manifesto continues to provide me with clarity, comfort, and confidence, on an almost daily basis. However, where it has really come to the fore has been when it has provided me with wisdom and guidance as I have found myself standing at the crossroads.

Historically and literally speaking, the crossroads have been a place where people can meet and mingle. In our neighbouring suburb of Lara, they have a well-known intersection, simply called ‘sixways.’ On most mornings, along with the bustle of traffic, you will find a keen group of cyclists sitting outside Rod’s Bakery enjoying a cuppa and recounting the morning’s ride that started and finished at sixways.

Historically and metaphorically speaking, the crossroads have long been understood to refer to a stage in one’s life when an important decision needs to be made. These important decisions may be based around relationships, career opportunities, living locations, lifestyle choices, travel plans, experiences and more. Frequently, the decisions we need to make are not right vs. wrong choices, but often right vs. right choices, and this makes them all that much harder.

Experience suggests that, if possible, pause and take time to consider your options if you find yourself at the crossroads. What are the possible benefits and pitfalls of each path? Can you glean further insights by varying your viewpoint, considering short, medium and long-term timeframes? And, potentially most importantly, can you re-visit your personal manifesto statements? As you re-read your words of who you aspire to be and what is deeply important to you, can you receive the gift of clarity to guide your pending decision?

The care, time, and effort that has gone into an individual’s manifesto statements ensures that the wisdom contained within has been deeply considered and validated. At a challenging time, your manifesto simply and powerfully provides you with a succinct account of your authentic best-self and how you wish to live your life.

Whilst ‘being at the crossroads’ implies that an important and major decision is required that may well be a turning point or a deciding moment in one’s life, it is also appropriate to recognise that literally at any intersection a decision needs to be made.  For many of us, we may not find ourselves ‘at the crossroads’ today, but for most of us, we will be presented with a crossroad today that will require us to make a decision. Our clients have shared with us the contentment they have experienced when they make decisions that are aligned with their manifesto. This is what we know as truly ‘living your manifesto’.

With best wishes for when you next find yourself at the crossroads.

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